06 January 2011

>>> and the man with the golden pipes two days ago, ted williams was homeless. now, thanks to this viral radio and his amazing voice, the job offers are pouring in and he is even helping us out today, thursday, january 6th, 2011.

>> from nbc news, this is "today," with matt lauer and meredith vieira. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza.

>> and welcome to "today" on this thursday morning. get the order of the names wrong. i'm kidding. great job.

>> that is the way it was on the script. you need proof that life in this country can change overnight? look no further than ted williams a couple of days ago on the streets of columbus, ohio, asking for money from strangers. he said he had a god-given gift. you know what he does.

>> he sure does.

>> he is on our couch this morning. we will talk to that man.

>> so many people said everybody deserves a second chance. knew this guy and somebody who sure does a great moment a nice moment in the odded yo booth, came in to meet techld.

>> he was recording.

>> let's take a look.

>> oh, thank you, jack. oh, man what a class act, man. he is the best, man. his smile and everything is so genuine, just like i thought it would be, man. god, thank you, jesus.

>> who was he talking to?

>> i have no idea. a little delusional there.

off today show

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